Company history


Our company was founded in June 1972 as a seller of various types of meteorological and hydrological instruments, such as rain gauges and river water level gauges.

Since then, we have been engaged in the sale, installation and maintenance of instruments for numerous customers, including government agencies and electric power companies. Considering our future development as a company, in 1986 we also began to operate as a developer and manufacturer of instruments. With guidance from the Hydrology Laboratory of the Public Works Research Institute of the Ministry of Construction, we began to develop and manufacture data collection units.

In keeping with the trend of the times toward reducing power consumption and saving labor, we have made great efforts to develop new products and to round out our lineup of peripheral devices, and our company has continued to show good results

Humankind is today caught up in the midst of a great wave of change and is looking forward toward the growth of a stable society based on new values.
We have formed an imaginative "future vision" as a developer of measuring instruments, and consider it our mission to make great efforts to make that vision a reality.

Osasi Technos works in the limited field of measurement, but is continuing to propose new ways to add value as its contribution to creating a prosperous and stable society.

Company history

1972 Establishment
1977 Capitalization was increased from 3 million yen to 7 million yen.
1978 Received authorization as a general construction business from the Governor of Kochi Prefecture (this has been renewed periodically since then).
1982 Headquarters was moved to 48-7 Minami Kuma, Kochi-shi.
1986 With guidance from the Public Works Research Institute of the Ministry of Construction, developed the DLCOS-8100 Memory Card Type Data Logger.
1988 The Memory Card Type Data Logger received a local industry award in Kochi Prefecture.
1992 Capitalization was increased from 7 million yen to 10 million yen.
1993 Company name was changed to OSASI Technos Inc.
1994 The TLCU-8501 Precipitation Data Logger and Transmitter for Use in Traffic Control received a local industry award from Kochi Prefecture.
Tokyo Headquarters was established
1997 Capitalization was increased from 10 million yen to 35 million yen
1998 Corporate Headquarters was moved to a newly constructed building at 65-3 Hongu-cho, Kochi-shi, in the Kochi Software Park.
The Emergency Landslide Automatic Monitoring System was certified as having passed technological testing by the Sediment Control and Landslide Technology Center (SABO Technical Center), a foundation authorized by the Minister of Construction
1999 The Kyushu Branch Office was opened.
Received the Industrial Technology Achievement Award from Kochi Prefecture.
2000 The Landslide and Rockslide Work Accident Prevention Safety System received a local industry award from Kochi Prefecture.
2003 Launch of industry's first “Extensometer with graph"
2005 Launch of industry's first “water level meter with graph"
2007 Launch of “OSNET wireless device”, a wireless device powered by lithium battery (patented)
2009 ”OSNET Packet Communication Device” receives award from Kochi Prefecture Local Industry Bureau
2010 ”On-site Rapid Response Automatic Observation System“ registered with Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s New Technology Information System (NETIS)
2011 Cloud services started
2013 Launch of "Internet water gauge"
2014 Launch of "Internet rain gauge"
2015 Launch of "Multi-point type ground surface inclinometer"

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