Message from the President


“Contributing to the Safety of Society with Reliable Information” to Protect Precious Lives and Property from Natural Disasters

In recent years the world has been exposed to the fury of natural disasters such as guerrilla rain (localized torrential rain), typhoons and major earthquakes, giving us the experience to feel the ferocity of nature. We design and develop measuring instruments based on our proprietary technology and know-how in order to protect precious human lives and property from natural disasters such as landslides, flood damage, and soil damage under the catchphrase “Communicating the Voice of the Earth”. As communication infrastructure develops, the demand for construction of remote monitoring systems during disasters and emergencies has been increasing. We are working day by day to respond to the diversified needs of society such as providing a cloud monitoring service that enables data to be checked over the web. We continue working to provide better products with reliable technology in order to further gain the trust of our customers in the future. With all our staff members united to improve quality and service aspects, we are aiming to be a company that contributes to a safe society through reliable information. We kindly ask for your support and guidance in this aim.

Company Policy

Utilizing our people and the company to vitalize local communities

Management Ideal

The company continuously provides quality products and services to the market to obtain the satisfaction and trust of our customers, with the aim of being a company that contributes to society through activities by all our employees to increase the satisfaction of our customers.

October 1, 2013
OSASI Technos Inc.
President  Maki Yano

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